Deep Dive into Creational Patterns - The Singleton Pattern.

Hey software designers! Today, we’re exploring the Singleton pattern. This pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it. Let’s dive into its workings, benefits, and real-world applications with detailed examples.

What is the Singleton Pattern?

The Singleton pattern is a creational design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to a single instance. This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system. The Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.

Real-World Scenario

Imagine you’re developing a logging system for an application. The logging system should only have one instance to ensure that all parts of the application log messages to the same place. Without a systematic approach, you might end up with multiple loggers, leading to inconsistent and hard-to-track logs.

The Problem

When a class must have only one instance, creating multiple instances can lead to problems such as inconsistent state, increased memory usage, and difficulty in managing shared resources. Hardcoding a single instance throughout the application can lead to tight coupling and inflexibility.

Without Singleton Pattern

class Logger
  def log(message)
    puts "Log: #{message}"

logger1 =
logger2 =
logger1.log('First message')
logger2.log('Second message')

Drawbacks: Multiple instances of the Logger class can lead to inconsistent logging and difficulty in managing the logging process.

The Solution: Singleton Pattern

Using the Singleton pattern, we can ensure that only one instance of the Logger class exists, providing a consistent and manageable logging process.

With Singleton Pattern

Step 1: Define the Singleton Class

class Logger
  @instance =

  private_class_method :new

  def self.instance

  def log(message)
    puts "Log: #{message}"

Step 2: Implement Client Code

logger1 = Logger.instance
logger2 = Logger.instance
logger1.log('First message')
logger2.log('Second message')

Benefits: Ensures that only one instance of the Logger class exists, providing consistent and manageable logging.

Real-World Benefits

Scenario: Managing Configuration Settings

Imagine you need to manage configuration settings for your application. Using the Singleton pattern, you can ensure that only one instance of the configuration manager exists, providing a consistent and manageable way to access and update settings.

Without Singleton Pattern:

class ConfigManager
  def initialize
    @settings = {}

  def set(key, value)
    @settings[key] = value

  def get(key)

config1 =
config2 =
config1.set('theme', 'dark')
puts config2.get('theme') # nil

Drawbacks: Multiple instances of the ConfigManager class can lead to inconsistent settings and difficulty in managing the configuration process.

With Singleton Pattern:

class ConfigManager
  @instance =

  private_class_method :new

  def self.instance

  def initialize
    @settings = {}

  def set(key, value)
    @settings[key] = value

  def get(key)

config1 = ConfigManager.instance
config2 = ConfigManager.instance
config1.set('theme', 'dark')
puts config2.get('theme') # dark

Benefits: Ensures that only one instance of the ConfigManager class exists, providing consistent and manageable configuration settings.


The Singleton pattern is a powerful tool for ensuring that a class has only one instance and providing a global point of access to it. It promotes consistency, efficiency, and manageability in your code. By using the Singleton pattern, you can ensure that shared resources are used effectively and that your application behaves predictably. Incorporate the Singleton pattern into your design strategies to build more robust and adaptable software systems.

Stay tuned for more insights into software design principles and patterns.

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